In MatterX Rates are configured per Resource Group, per Matter or Client and for a given date range that is specified by a start and end date.
Resource Groups hold the default hourly charge out rate for individual resources.
Individual Resource rates can ONLY be applied within a specific Matter or Client.
To view matter rates
Select Matters from the Quick List menu options at the top of your role centre.
Select the Matter you wish to view matter rates for.
Select Related from the drop down menu at the top of the matters page.
Select the Rates option, followed by the Matter Rates option.
Matter Rates pop-up window will appear with applicable rates for the matter. You can have Resource or Resource Group specific rates.
To add a matter specific rate for a resource
Search and select the matter you wish to add a rate to.
Select Related, Rates, Matter Rates from the menu options at the top of the Matter Card page.
- Select Type: Resource for a resource specific matter rate
- Select No.: Resource you wish to apply rate to
Name: will be filled out automatically
Enter: Rate Amount, Start Date and End Date. Press Enter.
To add a matter specific rate for a resource group
Search and select the matter you wish to add a rate to.
Select Related, Rates, Matter Rates from the menu options at the top of the Matter Card page.
- Select Type: Resource Group for a resource specific matter rate
- Select No.: Resource Group you wish to apply rate to
Name: will be filled out automatically
Enter: Rate Amount, Start Date and End Date. Press Enter.
To delete a matter specific rate
Search and select the matter you wish to delete a rate from.
Select Related, Rates, Matter Rates from the menu options at the top of the Matter Card page.
- Select the button next to the code and select Delete.
- Select Yes on the pop window.
To add rates to a resource group
Choose the
icon to search for "Resource Groups".
Select Resource Groups in the list to open the Resource Groups window.
Select the Resource Group you wish to add a Rate to.
Select Process from the actions menu at the top of the Resource Groups page and then select Rates to add a new Rate line.
Select +New from the actions menu to add a new line.
Complete the fields:
- Applies to Type - Select Matter or Client to state whether the rate will be related to specific matters or clients.
- Applies to No. - Select the relevant Matter or Client from pop-up window. Applies to Name will be filled-out automatically.
Rate - Set the hourly rate amount
Start Date - Set the effective start date for the rate
End Date - Set the end date for the rate
You will not be able to complete a transaction for a Resource and Resource Group if there is no active rate for that date range.
You may enter a single rate with an end date far into the future if you do not have any historical or future rate changes planned.